Here are some of our most frequently asked questions about our Happyjacks Gym Play sessions:
Can I cancel?
If you know you are unable to attend your booked Gym Play session, please let us know by giving at least 48 hours notice by emailing- happyjackseastbourne@gmail.com or telephoning 07738381384.
If, having let us know you are unable to attend your booked session, your circumstances change and you are, in fact, able to attend the session, you must speak to Happyjacks first. Please do not just turn up to your session as; if the session is full, your child will not be able to play for insurance reasons.
If you are unable to attend your session you may choose to “Send-a-Friend'' instead. The Happyjacks send-a-friend option enables parents to send a ‘substitute’ child, in place of their own for any missed sessions. Subject to availability. Please contact Happyjacks for more details. The substitute child must be the correct age to attend the customer’s session.
What Covid guidelines do you have in place?
If Government put in place Covid Guidelines please head over to our What to expect at our Gym Play Sessions for our most up to date information.
How do I book?
- Head over to our Gym Play page
- Choose and click on the date and time of session you would like to attend on the events list
- Check and read all the event information
- If there are any places available fill out the registration form
- Click 'Book and Pay'. This will then take you to Paypal Payment page, where you can pay via Paypal either as a guest using your credit/debit card or log in to your Paypal account
- Once paid, you should receive a confirmation of booking and a receipt of payment.
Can I take a photo of my child?
To comply with our ‘Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy’ and best practice, we request that parents/carers DO NOT take photographs or videos at Happyjacks Gym Play sessions without permission from Happyjacks Coaches. For further information please read our Gym Play Terms and Conditions.
What should my child wear?
Please ensure your child is wearing athletic clothing for each session. Children should not wear shoes or socks whilst on the equipment. Parents/Carers must not wear shoes whilst on the matted areas.
Can I bring food and drink and are there any refreshments available?
Refreshments such as tea/coffee and snacks WILL NOT be served in all locations.
You may bring your own refreshments/snacks to our session but NO snacks/drinks are to be consumed on the play area as this may cause a choking hazard. Please encourage your child to have a snack whilst sitting on the sidelines. Coaches may ask you to help with this if they see any children eating/drinking whilst playing.
How can I pay?
To pay for a Gym Play session you will need to click on the date and time you would like to attend on the event lists on the Gym Play page, after filling out the registration form and clicking on 'Book and Pay', it will transfer you to the Paypal payment page where you can either pay as a guest or log in to your Paypal account.
No Paypal account? Pay as a guest |
If the questions above haven't answered your query please Contact Us